
The ‘nin’ theme.

‘Calm’ theme – available as external project here.

Displaying profile modal with ‘original’ theme under Mac OS X.

Timeline with ‘original’ theme (old version without Top Trends)

Direct messages (encrypted end-to-end).

Displaying network status.

Editing user profile.

Android (mobile) twister interface (HTML using JQuery Mobile).

Android interface displaying a single post.

9 comments on “Screenshots
  1. alex says:

    This is great! I am not a developer so will not use it for now, but I would love to use it :)

  2. Muito bom Miguel, realmente incrível.
    vou testar, acompanhar o projeto e colaborar com o que for possível.

  3. TLW says:

    Great …. must be see, that i can compile it for Linux-Mint …. waiting for so a great Microblogging Idea … Twitter is not a option for me … i always looking for a open and data secure option …

    THXS and i have reshare it on diaspora

  4. Ronnie says:

    Good job! I vote for more decentralized web-services!!

    Let’s make sure the public start using “decentralized”

  5. Rick says:

    Miguel………How about using this on the ‘Raspberry Pi’ Linux based computers? (I’m connected to the net at the moment using one! O.S. is freeware, open source, etc..) I ask because these very small, inexpensive computers are being used all over the world to teach children/beginners how to start coding, and ‘Twister’ is the perfect platform for safe, secure and private net interactions.

    I think that the team at ‘RasPi’ would be very happy to hear from you. Looks like a natural marriage!

    All the very best with this much needed resource………Rick

    • @foike says:

      Rick, we documented the workshop to install and run Twister on a Raspberry Pi. I works fine. The compilation takes a while, but probably less than trying to figure out how to cross-compile for Arm :P

      Don’t forget to “./ –without-sse2″ or the compilation will fail.

      The @foike handle links to the tutorial.

  6. says:

    Raspberry Pi will not boot without a blob, its instruction set is only compatible with ARMv6 and it’s hardware design is neither industrial nor reproducible. Olinuxino or Radxa are far better ARM SBC imho.

  7. Weave says:

    Missed this thread earlier, so now I’m going to get a Radxa to test, however the Odroid U3 is cheaper for a 2GB quad core SBC and it’s been running (and compiling) twister since February.

  8. less says:

    why not add picture support?
    justt add pic’s src url than users click pic logo client render it.

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